M.C.S.T. Construction Safety Training Specialists

Management of Confined Spaces


To provide delegates with an   understanding of the risks associated with confined space working and how such risks can be managed.


By the end of the training delegates will:-

  • Be able to identify confined spaces and categorise them according to the risks involved.
  • Understand the regulations that apply and what constitutes a safe system of work.
  • Be able to write an appropriate method statement.


1 Day


09.00 – 16.00 inclusive of break periods


Site managers / supervisors responsible for confined space working.


Company Safety Trainers with inputs from local senior manager and safety manager.

Delegate / Tutor Ratio

Max 10:1


Through a combination of:-

  • Delegate input and discussion during the course
  • Practical exercise with review period
  • Test paper at end of course
  • Post course questionnaire




1 Day

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